Wednesday 22 June 2011

Politricks and Legal Loopholes 1

This is my first blog post *claps once* Moving right along.....

Are our country's judges really so "Honorable"? Is the judicial system really impartial?

It is said that an accused person is innocent until proven guilty! Fair enough. But if TWO people commit ONE crime TOGETHER, how then does our judicial system find one person guilty but then turn around and acquit "accused number 2" of the crime?? Yes, this is the case of our beloved President.  It was found that he & his "friend" had a "generally corrupt" relationship! 

To any sane person's mind, that would mean that BOTH of the accused should be found guilty...not so??? Zuma's lawyers knew that they would not WIN the case outright if he is trailed with his good friend Shabir Shaik (being accused number 1), making sure that the cases are tried separately was THE KEY move. This was at a time when Zuma HAD TO become ANC & South African President otherwise ish was going to hit the fan for a lot of people.

In comes the "Honorable" Judge Herbet Msimang & Mokotedi Mpshe....
The two men played key roles in getting Jacob Zuma's case off the roll. It was said that it was unlawful to prosecute JZ because of some suspected political conspiracy! WTF?? It was proven in Shaik's case though....He took bribe money! He made promises about the success of the arms deal, which he kept! "Legal Technicality" my voet maan.   After Zuma became President both men, Msimang & Mpshe, at some stage, got promoted to senior positions by the very same "accused".

Could it be that they were promised better positions because once acquitted, it was inevitable that Zuma would be SA President?
Did Zuma then go on to "repay" his old friend by making sure that he is out of prison waaaaay before he even served a third of his jail term??

The ONE question that lingers in my mind is:
Are we SERIOUSLY standing by and watching corrupt people get away with crime by using "legal loopholes" and we still put vote them into powerful positions?

We see these things happen and a demagogy like Julius Malema is often used to divert our attention from whats really happening. Are we that Blind, Stupid or Dumb??

Remove Emotions. Look at issues. Think about it....ACT

By: KevCare
Christian, member of the ANCYL....but a puppet i'm not!


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